What kind of wealth opportunities will global payment advocated by Zuckerberg bring?

In 2010, the American Time magazine’s Person of the Year went to a young man named Mark Zuckerberg, for completed a task that had never been attempted by human beings before: connecting 500 million people around the world and building social relationships with each other.

What kind of wealth opportunities will global payment advocated by Zuckerberg bring?



This population will be second only to China and India, which means that Facebook is the third largest country in the world. Zuckerberg, as a person who “issues passports all over the world”, stood at the top of Forbes‘ list of the youngest billionaires. But in an open letter to the outside world, he said, “When I find it easier for people to have private interactions, payment may be the most important link in the long run.”


In the global interconnected economic network, he found a brave new world of payment. Nowadays, global financial payment faces two difficulties. First, there are 8 billion people in the world, and more than 3 billion people can’t enjoy the services of global financial infrastructure. Second, according to the evaluation of the International Monetary Fund, the current average cost of international remittance payment is 6.3%, which means that every year, intermediaries take away as much as $45 billion of funds that should belong to low-income families.

What kind of wealth opportunities will global payment advocated by Zuckerberg bring?



Under the demand for the benefit of the people and the Blue Ocean Market came the sensational Libra plan. Libra Sword refers to the global payment network, which has become a payment giant in the form of a currency basket containing multiple legal tender. In this way, everyone can transfer money safely with minimum cost and maximum speed. It can also connect various forms of money.


However, fearing the influence of Libra on the status of the US dollar and the United States, and the influence of Facebook’s data leaking and manipulating election events, Libra faced severe pressure from supervision. Zuckerberg’s dream of using Libra to “change the world” died in the cradle.


Although Libra has a Facebook user base of hundreds of millions, people are also afraid of the ability of a centralized organization to manipulate the world economy in the name of decentralization. From this point of view, a decentralized payment ecology that can really change the world does not necessarily need to be born with huge capital, but it must be equipped with a unique style, technical determination to change the world and a globally feasible economic scheme

What kind of wealth opportunities will global payment advocated by Zuckerberg bring?


IRON MAN Unbounded Payment ushers in a new world. It not only realizes the digitalization in form, but also realizes the real generalization, so that everyone can use digital financial services with low cost and high efficiency.


The act of transfer is equal to mining, which helps users to generate income and realize ecological benefits. At the same time, the user base and token appreciation expand the ecological application in reverse, expand and increase the payment demand, and form a benign ecological closed loop. It uses financial technology to help the global vulnerable groups and to promote the modernization of cross-border payment, to improve the efficiency of the global payment system and to promote global inclusive economic growth.